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Frequently Asked Questions

Is React 18 supported?


Is X Supported?

All basic Yandex.Maps API objects and controls are supported. All configuration options of those objects and all events are supported. For the list of supported items see "What Is Supported?" section

Can I Render React DOM Components Into Yandex.Maps Balloons or Placemark Icons?

This behavior is not supported out of the box by the library. You can try rendering them on your own accessing Yandex.Maps API directly, see #23, #27, and #150 for some examples.

How To Style Map Container? Why Width and Height Props?

By default you can only control Map container with width and height props. This is done so that @pbe/react-yandex-maps library can keep track of size changes and call special Map method to fit the Map UI into available view.

You can opt-out of this behavior by providing your own style or className prop to the Map component. Your props will be passed to the Map container node and the library will ignore the width and height props.

How To Get Access to Yandex.Maps API Instance?

There are two ways to achieve this:

  • Use onLoad callback prop on any map component from this library, when Yandex.Maps API will finish loading, this callback will be called with API instance as the first argument.

  • Use withYMaps HOC and create your own custom component with full access to Yandex.Maps API as a prop.

How To Get Object Instance?

To get instance of any Yandex.Maps object that rendered by this library, use can use instanceRef prop. Keep in mind that this will behave as React callback refs: it will call the ref callback with the Yandex.Maps API object instance when the component mounts, and call it with null when it unmounts.